Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy holidays!

What a busy term we have had.  Looking back at what has been posted on our blog, you have done some fantastic pieces of work. You should be very proud of yourselves and your achievements!

What ever you do this holiday, have a great time.  For those of you going to other countries, have a safe journey.  For those of you staying in Taiwan, enjoy the rest!

I look forward to seeing you all n the New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mrs. Elrick

Christmas Graphics

The Battlefield by Benjamin

Benjamin created a battlefield scene for his setting.  His diorama is very much a work in progress - he keeps adding bits to it!  Here is his description and photo:

Battle field
A bout 100 years ago, Japan and Taipei had a war because Japan’s king didn’t like Taipei’s king. The war took place on a battle field in Taipei. The evil Japan uses a powerful, strong tank to shot a strong lazar and boooooom! Our Taipei’s airplane fell in the boil hot fire
.And me the brave Benjamin shot the cannon ball on Japan’s king and boooooooooooooooooom! Japan’s king is dead. Two ninja jumped on the strong tank. And other airplane  shot a bomb on the two niga.Taipei wan ya ya!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Christmas Game to play

Here is a Christmas game to think about the angles you need to make sure that Santa's sleigh collects all of the presents.  Enjoy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Rocks and Soils game

Here is the game we started playing in class about different types of rocks.

This is another one to try out.

Scottish Dancing with Mr. Milner

The class has been working hard in PE learning how to do various Scottish dances. Here is one of the dances that they performed for me today.   I am having a few problems with uploading the other one, but when I do, I will post it on too.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Dining Room by Julia

Julia chose to make her scene of a dining room.  Here is her work.

Dining Room
As I walked in my peaceful dining room I felt that I was very warm. It was very cozy inside and I ate on the smooth table. When it was night the dining room was dark. At the next day I woke up and walked past the dining room and walked back a little bit and saw the back ground shining.
By Julia

At The Beach by Katelyne

Katelyne created a beach scene.  Here is her diorama with the description of her setting.

                              At The Beach
As I started walking the bright reflection chased me by the bright yellow sun. Butterflies’ were calmly flying across me and there were birds chirping in the air, there were groups of fish splating across the ocean. People were relaxed and sat down reading a magazine or sleeping. Making sand castles are fun.  Some people were eating snacks too. As the wind blows, the trash was crackling in the sand, it came in my eyes. Although it was good fun, people put sun-block and they probably got burned like a fire.

Wild Forest by Elliott

Elliott created a forest scene for his diorama.  Here is his work.

Wild forest

There is a wild forest with wild animals. A gibbon is swinging in the trees and the tiger and puma are growling fiercely. Leaves are falling from out the trees. I am swinging like the gibbon is.
The tiger also has good camouflage. The gibbon looks like he has a piggy nose and it is purple. His ears and nose holes are also purple. There is a sign and it sees WILD ANIMALS LIKE TIGERS AND PUMAS and the sign are made of wood.
In the forest there is a river.
The leaves that fall from the trees fall in the river and float towards the sea. If you feel the gibbons’ fur it will feel soft. The puma is facing the tree like it is a deer. He was almost going to eat the tree.The tiger is as orange as an orange, the gibbon is as yellow as a lemon and the puma is as brown as a brown bear.

Dinosaur Park by Krish

Krish called his diorama The Dinosaur Park.  Here is his work and description.

Dinosaur park

As I walked in a busy Dinosaur park I was a little bit frightened. When I went near a slide I saw a smart diver darting around a pond.
Instead I went near a volcano I saw volcano dashing out the woody branch. And then I gave some food to a brown rough dinosaur. In a while some men came to watch a diving show at 5’o clock

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Forest by Alice

Alice created a forest scene in her diorama.  Here is her piece of descriptive writing to accompany her setting.

The Forest
As I walked through the peaceful forest I heard a frightening sound, so I tiptoed towards it and it was a bright volcano erupting near me!  I ran as fast as I could so I wouldn’t get toasted. I noticed a boiling, bright sun shining right at me (it was beautiful!) I was walking I saw a pretty tree but I touched it and It turned out to be very prickly! A colourful bird chirping in the bright, blue sky. There were some white clouds in the sky and I wished that I could reach up and touch the soft, fluffy, white clouds!! I saw some scary bushes. In the middle of the bushes I saw a hole and so I went down and started to walk though and then I saw some big, sharp, spiky thorns sticking out of the bushes and so i decided not to carry on!!!

The Ocean by Leonna

Leonna decided to make an ocean scene for her diorama.  Her is her piece of descriptive writing for her setting.

The ocean
As I swam through the busy ocean, I can see colourful fishes. I noticed seaweed was swaying. I notice a very long trumpet fish and an enormous sting ray and I saw different kind of other fishes. I can see clean white cotton clouds. There is a strange sea worm wiggling up and down. There is a diver searching for different kind of fishes in the active sea. I can smell stinky stuff like stinky fish skin. I can taste very salty water in the sea. I can hear fishes swimming .The rock is as smooth as a feather. I can see fishes swimming. And then a shark just went by and the diver shouted AHHH! And the diver never swam in the ocean THE END

The Bedroom by Grace

Grace created a bedroom scene in her diorama.  Here is her descriptive writing based on what she made.

The bedroom
When I walked to see my lovely family photo I forget the time to water my green plant. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the carpet. When I woke up I decided to pick the blue clothes from the shelf then I asked my friend to come to my house they said yes. We made lots of things. When they got home I was too tired that I fell asleep again. Then I dream about my dad coming back, that I play really happily with my dad. Then I woke up and my dad was not there. Then I realised it was a dream.

Airport by Rion

Rion is very keen on airplanes and airports, so he decided to make his diorama on this theme.  Here is the descriptive writing he did.

The busy large airport is quiet and clean. Outside of the airport there are lots of different airplanes. There are airplanes taking off and landing. Their turning engine on the airplanes wing is loud as a people talking. Some aircraft are short some are long. When the airplanes are taking off or landing they can see the long runway. The airplane taking off is Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the airplane took off is Boeing 747-400 china airline. The two airplanes that is in the parking space is 737-800 China airline and 737-700 Continental.

Antarctica by Jihyun

Jihyun made Antarctica. Here is her diorama and descriptive writing.

Antarctica by Jihyun (mp3)

As the gigantic polar bear lumped slowly across the soft snow, she was freezing. The playful penguin went to the polar bear then she asked “I am so cold.” The penguin requested then he said “You can swim under the warm water.”  So the polar bear said “Ok” Then she swam zooming like a motorcycle. But she was still freezing. So the polar bear went up and down with her feet through the water. Then she saw 2 people she went to the peoples and she said “I am turning like an ice.” So the 2people hugged like mummy’s hug. Then 2 people let it go. Now the polar bear settled down.

The Haunted House by Bryan

This is Bryan's description of his haunted house.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Antarctica by Toby

Toby created a scene in Antarctica.  Hear and read his superb description below:

Antarctica by Toby (mp3)

It is freezing in Antarctica. The freezing icicles peacefully start to leak. The icicles start to shiver and shake they fall with a tremendous bang. A lump of snow drifted lightly across the icy world dancing like a ballerina. Then a cold frosty wind is like blizzard. If you were there you would be deeply frozen! But if you wear a few very warm layers you can still stay alive. If you go into the arches you might get stabbed! The snow tastes like frosty ice-cream. You have to listen very hard if you want to hear the polar bears growling at their prey.

The Disco by Emma

Emma created a disco setting:

The Graveyard by Orion

This is Orion's description of his setting.

The Beach by Wen Ting

We have been writing descriptions of  our settings based on our dioramas.  Here is Wen Ting's diorama with a recording of her description.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Guandu Nature Park

The other week, Year 3 went on a trip to Guandu Nature Park.  It was a very wet day and we got rather soggy walking round, but we did see a few things. (Perky enjoyed his outing too as he was a bit bored being stuck in Ms. Corry's office with nothing much to do!)

We had a talk about frogs and then got to paint a frog stone. 
Take a look at the photos of our day.

Diorama work

We have been creating a scene in Year 3 this last couple of weeks!  We have looked at how adjectives and adverbs are used to describe a setting and what impact more powerful verbs have in helping a reader to 'see' the scene.
Last week we made a diorama of a setting of our choice.  Here are some of our pieces:

This week and next week, we will be finishing our writing and maybe even recording what we've done.