Sunday, December 11, 2011

At The Beach by Katelyne

Katelyne created a beach scene.  Here is her diorama with the description of her setting.

                              At The Beach
As I started walking the bright reflection chased me by the bright yellow sun. Butterflies’ were calmly flying across me and there were birds chirping in the air, there were groups of fish splating across the ocean. People were relaxed and sat down reading a magazine or sleeping. Making sand castles are fun.  Some people were eating snacks too. As the wind blows, the trash was crackling in the sand, it came in my eyes. Although it was good fun, people put sun-block and they probably got burned like a fire.


  1. i don't like the look of people that got burned.

    ~ Julia

  2. I think you shald use a difrent word to bright.

  3. What kind of words might you use then Poppy? Well done for noticing that she has used the same word twice in a sentence.
    I might choose the word 'dazzling'. What do you think?

    Mrs. Elrick
